Thursday, February 25, 2010

More new displays and shot glasses

We have another new item in the shop that is a must have for most of our customers, the FFB shot glass

We have also been building a new bike display for the center of the shop. Everyone who has seen it so far has really liked it. Here is the only picture so far

and last but not least is a new shirt display for extra stock of our loved shirts.

In other news, we have received our prototype Mountain Goat Escape Route frames and have them built up and will be taking pics very soon. Jeff is heading to the North American Handmade Bike Show Saturday and Sunday and I am heading up Saturday after the shop closes so make sure to say hey if you see us in Richmond.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Are you registered?

I have been talking about doing the Burn24 solo this year since it has been 7 years since I have done a solo 24 and tonight I officially threw my hat into the ring. Seeing that the 6 Hours of Warrior Creek has sold out I figured that I better hurry up and register to not be left out. I still think that the Burn is one of the best races in the area and if you register before March 15th you just can't beat the $90 entry other words, register for yourself and give me someone to ride with.

With the wonderful weather last weekend I did get out with Jeff, Cam, Darrell and Jonathan to ride the Itusi on Sunday which showed me just how much more I need to ride to be ready for the race.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lack of news

The rain and snow has pretty much raised the sucktitude level to a record high for riding lately. The shop has stayed busy with many new things coming into stock. We just received new FFB shot glasses, Mountain Goat beer openers, our prototype Mountain Goat Escape Route frames, lots of bikes including one of my favorites of the years, the Gary Fisher Lane. The Lane is a very capable bike that will take anyting you throw at it.

Swing by the shop and take a look at all the goodies that have come in. The new Limited Edition #4 Mountain Goat shirts have been very popular so make sure to get one before they are gone.