Friday, August 29, 2008

Cackalacky Cup 2008

Theres not much more that I can say about the Cackalacky Cup for this year except that it was a tremendous amount of fun. We had guests fly in on Friday and hang out at the shop all day. After the shop closed we drove down to Lancasters BBQ for some of the best food in the area and just to hang out. Saturday morning found us all at Lake Norman State Park for our double mountain bike time trials. The first TT is just over 4 miles with some technical obstacles to shake things up. The second TT is a fast as you can 6.25 mile loop on the Mombo loop. The totals were added up and prizes were given out and we even gave away a free wheelset to a random participant. We all hung out at the bike shop Saturday night with pizza and beverages and worked on bikes to make sure they were ready for our journey on Sunday which lead us to DuPont State Forrest. We took 12 from Statesville up and met up with 15 locals to ride some of the sweetest trails in the area. DuPont isn't just balls out technical but if you ride there and do not leave just praising the do not know how to have fun on a ride.

I will let some pictures do the talking for the weekend, for a full view of the photos click here

Darrell on the skinny
Lance off the skinny
We had an overabundance of juniors and first timers
going under the limbo
Brial Veil Falls in DuPont
riding NC slick rock
David from Pisgah Area SORBA and one of our guides...thanks David
Beautiful views
Great rock work at the end of Burnt Mtn Trail
Snack Time
Smooooooth ride
as I said above, you can see all the pictures HERE

Noah from NY has posted his pictures as well @

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