Over the past year the Tarheel Trailblazers North Group has tried a few
different venues for its meeting and none have seemed to stick that
well. For 2010 we will begin a monthly ride/meeting leaving First Flight
Bikes in Statesville at 6 p.m., riding out to the Signal Hill trails and
back to First Flight for a meeting at 7:30. If you cannot make the ride
please plan on still coming to the meeting at 7:30.
There are many exiting things happening with our northern trails.
-Signal Hill has seen a big increase in riders thanks to the hard work of many people and
there are still many items on the punch list out there.
-Lake Norman State Park will open the first section of the Laurel Loop on Janurary
1st 2010 and Bob is currently working on everything to get the construction
of section two underway with more phases in the making even after that.
-Fisher Farm is finishing off a new section of trail as well that
promises to be just as great as the rest of the trail.
-Other trails that we will focus on as the northern group will be North Meck Park and
Denver XC Trails as well as any future projects in the area of these
trails.The first meeting will be January 12, 2010. BYOB