Sunday, January 4, 2009

New ride schedule for a new year

I have been wanting to fit in at least more more scheduled ride per week and with Signal Hill being in better shape I have wanted to be able to ride it and Itusi during daylight savings.

Talking to Jeff, Matt, Sean and Darrell I think that what we will do this year is have

Tuesday night mountain bike rides at Signal Hill leaving the shop @ 6pm
Thursday night Mountain bike rides at Itusi, when the park time allows (Signal Hill when it does not) leave FFB @ 6pm
Saturday morning Road bike ride LEAVING the shop at 8am for at least a 2 hour ride and extending further if riders want to. For the 2 hour part it will be a 15-18 MPH avg. and a no-drop ride. We will start this ride when time changes or maybe a little earlier if the mornings start warming up more.

Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.


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